Pet Lemon Laws

7 minute read

The following states have laws providing legal relief to purchasers of pets who have an injury, illness, or hereditary condition. It may be necessary to consult with an attorney to pursue your remedy under the law.

These laws typically only apply to pet purchases from a retail pet store.

Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia


Timeline: Within 15 days for injury or illness; or within 60 days for congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects health.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Arizona Revised Statutes § 44-1799.05


Timeline: Within 10 days for illness, congenital malformation that adversely affects the health, or symptoms of infectious disease.

Remedy: Reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Arkansas Code Annotated § 4-97-105


Timeline: Within 15 days for illness; or within 1 year for congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects health.

Remedy: Reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: California Health and Safety Code § 122160 – 122185


Timeline: Within 20 days for illness; or within 6 months for congenital defect that adversely affects or will adversely affect health

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price or $500, whichever is more.

Full Text: Connecticut General Statutes § 22-344b


Timeline: Within 20 days for illness; or within 2 years for congenital defect that adversely affects or will adversely affect health

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price or $500, whichever is more.

Full Text: Delaware Code § 4005 – 4008


Timeline: Within 14 days for illness or infectious disease; or within 1 year for congenital defect that adversely affects health; or 1 year for misrepresentation of breed, sex, or health.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal. In all cases, purchaser also receives reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Florida Statutes § 828.29


Timeline: Within 21 days for illness, disease, or severe parasitism; or within 1 year for congenital defect that adversely affects health.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Illinois Compiled Statutes § 605/3.15


Timeline: Within 10 days for health problems existing at the time of delivery; or within 1 year for hereditary or congenital defect that will shorten life or require constant treatment.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for one-half (50%) of the reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding one-half (50%) of the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Maine Revised Statutes § 4155


Timeline: Within 7 days for diseases adversely affecting health; or within 180 days for hereditary or congenital condition adversely affecting health.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for the reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Maryland Code, Business Regulations § 19-705


Timeline: Within 14 days for congenital disorder.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for the reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Code of Massachusetts Regulations § 12.05


Timeline: Within 10 days for health problems that existed at the time of delivery; or within 1 year for a hereditary or congenital defect that adversely affects health; or 1 year for misrepresentation of breed.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal. In all cases, purchaser also receives reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Minnesota Statutes § 325F.791


Timeline: Within 7 days for a serious health problem that existed at the time of delivery; or within 15 months for death from a serious health problem that existed at the time of delivery.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for the reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Nebraska Revised Statutes § 54-647


Timeline: Within 10 days for illness existing on the date of sale that is terminal, or requires hospitalization or surgery.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for the reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Nevada Revised Statutes § 574.49

New HampshirePermalink

Timeline: Within 14 days for any pet not free from disease.

Remedy: Return of the animal for refund or replacement.

Full Text: New Hampshire Revised Statutes § 437:6

New JerseyPermalink

Timeline: Within 14 days for being “unfit to purchase” as determined by a veterinarian, or death from causes other than an accident; or within 180 days for a congenital or hereditary condition.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement and reimbursement of veterinary fees up to twice the animal’s purchase price, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for current and future veterinary fees up to twice the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: New Jersey Revised Statutes § 56:8-95

New YorkPermalink

Timeline: Within 14 days for illness or presence of symptoms of a contagious disease; or within 180 days for a congenital malformation that adversely affects health.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal. In all cases, purchaser also receives reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: New York General Business Laws § 753


Timeline: Within 15 days for disease; or within 1 year for a congenital disorder that significantly limits quality of life.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Oregon Revised Statutes § 646A.077


Timeline: Within 10 days for infectious illness or parasitic illness; or within 30 days for a congenital disorder that adversely affects health.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes § 201-9.3

Rhode IslandPermalink

Timeline: Within 20 days for illness or defect that existed at the time of delivery; or within 2 years for a congenital condition that adversely affects health.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal. In all cases, purchaser also receives reimbursement for veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Rhode Island General Laws § 4-25-5

South CarolinaPermalink

Timeline: Within 14 days for illness; or within 6 months for a congenital condition that adversely affects health.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal. In all cases, purchaser also receives reimbursement for veterinary fees not exceeding half (50%) of the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: South Carolina Code § 47-13-160


Timeline: Within 7 days for illness or signs of infectious disease; or within 1 year for a congenital malformation or hereditary disease.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal. In all cases, purchaser also receives reimbursement for veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Vermont Statutes Annotated § 3921


Timeline: Within 10 days for illness or congenital defect deleterious to health; or within 14 days for parvovirus infection.

Remedy: Purchaser may choose to return the animal for refund or replacement, or retain the animal and receive reimbursement for veterinary fees not exceeding the animal’s purchase price.

Full Text: Virginia Code Annotated § 3.2-6514
